Microsoft DirectX 8.1 (C++)

ScheduleEntry Object

This topic applies to Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional only.

A ScheduleEntry object contains the time a program is broadcast, an association with the Program object representing the program, and an association with the Service object representing the tuning.

A ScheduleEntry object can have metaproperties, which are represented by a MetaPropertiescollection of MetaProperty objects.

There is a ScheduleEntries object for managing a collection of ScheduleEntry objects.

This object exposes the following properties.

Property Description
EndTime Specifies and retrieves the end time of the entry.
ID Retrieves the unique identifier of this ScheduleEntry object.
Length Retrieves the time length in seconds between the start time and end time.
MetaProperties Retrieves the associated MetaProperties object.
Program Specifies and retrieves the associated Program object.
Service Specifies and retrieves the associated Service object.
StartTime Specifies and retrieves the start time of the entry.